Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Strip Me

Since high school, Natasha Bedingfield has supplied me and countless others with poppy, catchy songs that the radio still plays and pretends are new. "Unwritten" is not just the theme song of the reality show of all reality shows, it’s the theme song for almost every all-girls pregame on Friday and Saturday nights in America. Natasha's songs are corny and clichéd, but they are tunes that everyone loves to scream and dance to, regardless of if they like to admit to it or not. Many even secretly find a tad bit of solace and truth in her lyrics."Strip Me" is no exception. I've had it on repeat since for days and I can already tell it's one of those songs that I will never get sick of. I don't care how embarrassing it is that I'm dedicating a post to Natasha Bedingfield. Congrats,Tash, you've done it again!

"My Heart is Like a Loudspeaker" 

To Listen to the Sickness that is "Strip Me" click here! 

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