Monday, November 29, 2010

Jenny From the Block

Is it weird that I want to listen to this song over and over during the Holiday Season? Probably.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Must See Moovay

"House of D" is one of my all time favorite movies. I'm not big on David Duchovny, I think he's a little pervy, but the movie's so great I'll let it slide. And he wrote the screenplay too, which gives him some extra brownie points. I watched this movie on a random Sunday in high school when I was bored and home alone. I sat down expecting to turn it off half through or maybe doze off, but my eyes were glued to the screen from the second it started. I became emotionally invested in the movie and by the end, I felt like the whole thing had happened to me (which is extra weird considering it's a coming of age story about a boy). I cried throughout most of the film, even at the parts when there was no reason on Earth that I should be crying.

This movie feels like it's mine and mine alone because I have yet to find another person who has seen it. I've only seen it once,  and this is something that I made a conscious decision about. If I see a movie too many times or if I don't put enough time in between screenings, it loses some of it's sparkle. I want to be able to feel the same way I did when I first saw it, every time. It seems like a lifetime ago that I saw "House of D" though and I think its about time to see it again.

Also, the main character, played by Anton Yelchin is a phenominal actor and just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I’m Gonna Take What You’re Giving, Cause I Know That You're Willing

I CAN NOT stop listening to this song. I'm obsessed and it doesn't even have anything to do with Miley being in the video... Although that does add a certain sparkle. My name is Noe and I'm a Disney junkie.